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Volva Galchenko

Vova Galchenko and Olga Doing Their Passing Routine

This is another really amazing video of Vova Galchenko and his sister Olga doing their passing routine. One of the things that strikes me as so amazing is how effortlessly Vova kicks up to 5 clubs. I’m working on 5 clubs now and it is very hard.

He makes it look really simple. After that they start with a basic 6 club passing pattern and then quickly add in more and more clubs. They pass 7, 8 and even an amazing 9 clubs. Their finale is 9 clubs back to back which doesn’t last very long but hey, its 9 clubs!

Another little thing I noticed was that when they are doing the behind the back passing at one point, the passes from Olga are not good. Vova keeps catching them on the wrong end but easily keeps the pattern going. Now that is impressive. Check out Vova’s website here.

Maybe that was when they were a little younger and they make that look easy by passing 11 clubs while Vova is on a unicycle in this next one.

Here is a great video of some of Vova’s more recent juggling. This was his submission for the Fatboy Slim juggling video competition.

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