Devil Sticks
Devil sticks are a fun prop to play with. Just like diabolo you are not juggling but they still require a lot of practice to master. The best performers can use multiple sticks at once and twirl them around the hand sticks. They also offer a nice change up to any juggling show.
Check this video out for some motivation…

They vary greatly in quality and style. Some are heavier and some are lighter but a properly balance set is important. The basic idea is that you have one heavy stick in the middle that is bounced back and forth and kept in motion by two hand sticks. Once you get the idea of keeping them in motion there are different ways to do it and a lot of different tricks.
There are also fire devil sticks if you really want to put on a show.
If you just want some regular ones, you can find a great variety here.These are the same kind that they are using below. They are strong and sturdy and last practically forever. It’s pretty hard to break these. I’ve seen the hand sticks break but never the main part and the hand stick broke only because of misuse!